Diaspora – Open source Facebook alternative

disporaDo you know about Diaspora? No problem, I will tell you what Diaspora is. Diaspora is a new Open Source, Facebook alternative which is supposed to be launched on September 15th, the same day whenMicrosoft launches its most awaited web browser IE9.

They said, “We have Diaspora working, we like it, and it will be open-sourced on September 15th.” That’s just three weeks away. Its a good news for the Open Source people, that an Open Source social networking site is being launched and I am happy for them.
Diaspora is a project begun by four students at NYU’s Courant Institute. They propose to build an open-source, distributed social network as an alternative to companies such as Facebook. It got famous when many stories about the privacy and security of Facebook was leaked to the public and this helped Diaspora to rise a funding of $200,000.
That’s all about Diaspora for now. Lets expect a better and perfect open source networking site and I am anxiously looking forward to the release.
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