22 Most Popular Google Chrome Extensions - Must See

Google Chrome celebrated its first birthday last week (just a few days before TechPP’s)! And by looking at the comments for that article, it was clear many people preferred Firefox over Chrome basically due to the option of choosing innumerable add-ons and extensions available on Firefox. However there are some extensions on Chrome as well, that make your experience with using it easier and loving.
These extensions, whilst useful, aren’t quite to the standard of Firefox’s offerings yet, be it in quality or quantity, but the early development is showing that Chrome users can now enjoy super-fast loading times and minimal footprints along with the option of using third party add-ons.

22 Most Popular & Most useful Google Chrome Extensions

Google Chrome backup add-on creates, backups, restores and manages Chrome profiles. All history, bookmarks and related stuff are maintained very easily with this add-on. So in case there is a system crash or accidental deletion, you can easily restore or get back the lost settings in Google Chrome.
This Google Chrome extension enables you to view two different web pages in a single tab. A single tab will split into from the middle such that in each half you can see two different sites side by side. Particularly useful if multitasking or undertaking some research.
This is a theme manager for Google Chrome browser. Now you can change the theme to suit your mood just with a click of a button. A must add-on if you are a fan of customization!
This is a popular Google Chrome extension that will clean all the ads present in web page such that you can view web pages ad free. It even helps to remove all the ads from Youtube videos or webpages and present you clean ad free page.
It is basically a bookmarklet which lets you to mail the content of a web page through Gmail. Just select the content that you want to mail and press this bookmarklet Gmail composer window will open with the selected content now you can directly type in the email address to whom you want to send it and click send just like you do to send mails using Gmail.
This tiny extension embeds a little notification icon in your toolstripwhich will alert you when you receive a new email! A click on the alert take you directly to the GMail window.
This little script allows you to add a GTalk icon to your launcher which, when run, opens up a window that simply requires your login and password to get you chatting.
Session Saver is a session manager that lets you save and manage multiple sessions. It will help you to you save, manage and reload multiple sessions.
This clean and simple extension will display the current page rank of the opened website in the Google Chrome Status Bar.
10. Cleeki
Cleeki is a perfect pal if you need to launch search/share/publish tasks based on any content in your browser. Just select some text, and Cleeki can search/share/publish the content and preview the results immediately. Cleeki can also preview a hyperlink without open a new window/tab.
ChormeMailer is an application to send emails via Gmail, either directly or when you click on the links mailto: instead of opening another mail client.
ChromePass add-on recovers usernames and passwords that are stored on Google Chrome browser. Simply install this add-on plugin and retrieve all the details.
This extension reside in the toolstrip and alerts you as to how many feeds you have unread inside your Google Reader account. Besides doing this, it also adds an RSS icon to your address bar allowing you to subscribe to a sites RSS feed with your Google account.
Chrome Gestures addon adds a number of mouse gestures to Chrome browser.
Chrome Sticky Notes adds an inbuilt notepad to Chrome which can be launched by clicking on the little notepad icon on the toolstrip. You get the option to save your sticky note for future reference, and you can view it even if you restart your browser.
Chritter is a Chrome Twitter notifier which shows recent tweets in the toolstrip, fetches new tweets every 5 minutes and linkifies http://links, @usernames and #hashtags
Greasemetal Extension can be said as the Firefox Greasemonkey addon for Google Chrome. Greasemonkey addon is for firefox which let you to run userscripts (user defined javascripts to modify the webpages being displayed).
With Drag n Go Plugin you dont need to right-click and then select “Open in New Tab“ to open new links in background tab or foreground. All you need to do is to just drag the links to very small distance and drop it.
It retrieves the number of notifications from your Facebook account. You have to be logged in to Facebook for this extension to work.
Detailed weather report in the browser’s toolstrip. Also available as a Firefox addon.
Now with all those amazing extensions installed onto your browser, you can enable, disable or delete the extensions from the application itself by installing this add-on!
So, which add-on you found as the most useful? Do you know of any other useful Google chrome extension? Feel free to share them in the comments below.

source   www.techpp.com/2009/09/11/22-most-popular-google-chrome-extensions 

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