Tools to access Linux partion from Windows

linreaderGo to  how to access an ext3 partion from Windows page . Here we will introduce you to some more tools which can do the same work for you. This case arrives when you dual boot withWindows and Linux, and have data spread across different partitions on Linux and Windows.
DiskInternals Linux Reader has a Windows Explorer like interface, and can provide access to Ext2 and Ext3 Linux partitions from Windows. You can extract files easily from those linux partitions to your Windows partitions. You can’t use this tool to write on those partitions, though.
Ext2 Installable File System is better than the above tool, this utility can give you both read and write access to Ext2 and Ext3 Filesystems from Windows. Plus, once you have this installed, Windows can use it your Linux partition as a paging file as well.
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