WWF: A New Green Portable File Format

Currently Global Warming is one of the biggest problem for Human Society but Trees are the main weapon to control and reduce Global Warming, some of Companies/Organisations is already used green energies for save money and help to reduce Global Warming but for Paper rapidly entire forests are cut down which is obviously increased Global Warming.

To reduce the unnecessary printing of paper World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) has introduced a new green file format called WWF. This WWF format is similar as PDF but the main differance with PDF format is that PDF file can be printed easily but this WWF format can not be printed. It’s a simple way to avoid unnecessarily printing. So here's your chance to save trees and help the environment. Decide for yourself which documents don't need printing out – then simply save them as WWF.

"Every day, entire forests are cut down to make paper. Paper that’s senselessly used to print out documents all over the world: websites, emails, even entire reports instead of those few pages that are really
needed and read. This happens in spite of the fact that it's easy to avoid
printing by saving the document as a PDF. But even PDFs can sometimes also be printed out. So to stop unnecessary printing and encourage a new awareness about the use of paper, we’ve developed a new, green file format: WWF. A format that can’t be printed out. A simple idea that saves trees. Join in. Decide for yourself which of your documents don’t need printing - and save them as WWF."

To create a file in the WWF File Format, First you have to download a freeware application named WWF Software, which is basically install a Virtual Printer in your computer and change the default printer to this virtual printer and its default output format is .WWF. Using this virtual Printer you can convert any file to this WWF format, not only that you do not need any extra software to vied this WWF format file, even your existing PDF reader can open this new WWF file. When try to print this WWF format a popup window arrived with the following message -

"Sorry Printing this Document is not Allowed
Reason: the security permission of this document Prohibites printing."

Functions :
  1. With the WWF software you can easily create your own WWF documents.
  2. With the software, the option “SAVE AS WWF” is shown in the print menu as an alternative to the installed printers.
  3. WWF docs are shown with the WWF file symbol.
  4. In the MAC version you can change any documents you want to WWF format using a WWF converter in the dock.
The main bad point of using this Virtual Printer software is that after print a page in WWF format this software automatically added an extra page at the end of each WWF document file, explaining the purpose of the new WWF file format to first-time users (this function can be deactivated).

WWF also make a slogan "SAVE AS WWF, SAVE A TREE" 

System requirements :
  1. MAC OS: G4, 10.4 (Tiger) or better.
  2. Windows OS: Dual-Core, Windows XP/SP3 or better.
Currently WWF Software support German, English, Spanish, French languages.
You can also see the official video here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MzY4SGgEB7g

Visit this Page for details Download the WWF Software - Save as WWF, Save a Tree

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