Best 10 Alternative Search Engines

We all Searching the Net Regularly   

No Doubt The Best Was GOOGLE or I Would Say GOOGLE is the guide Of  INTERNET 

Some Times We are not Able To Search  What We Want Out Of It 

So Here I Have Posted a List of Best Ten Alternative Search Engines Which are Used for Searching 
Our Need in a Specifying Our Need 

It Was The Best Search Engine In Term Of Calculation And Measurement It Would Even Calculate 
Various Mathematical Summaries 


2) JUST HEAR IT: The Best Search Engine To Search The World Music At a Glance

3)WhereIsDoc : An Awesome Search engine For Searching Document On Line It Can Be Of  PPT,DOC,PDF,SWF,XLS,TXT,AI etc VERY USEFUL FOR STUDENT AND DOCUMENT SEEKER

4)WhereIsNews: A Search Engine Dedicated For Searching the News From All around the World about Given Label

5)SearchFTP: A Great Search Engine When We Want to Search Something Through FTP  

6)Cuil:The Search Engine Which Claim Itself As a Better Search Engine Than Google LOL 

  7)Sezify: Search Engine With a Difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8)Clusty: A Search Engine Which Uses The Clustering Technique 

9)SURFWAX: SurfWax helps you get the best grip on information -- providing the "best use" of relevant search results. SurfWax's patent-pending design is the first to make searching a "visual process," seamlessly integrating meaning-based search with key knowledge-finding elements for effective association and recall.

10)Keyboardr: I think the best alternative For Google Was it Just Search And Try

11)Torrentz   The One Of Best Torrent Search Engines


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