Beware of this fake MS Security Essentials !


Its a fact that Microsoft Security Essentials is great free tool for defending viruses. However, there is a rogue security product out there which wrongfully claims to be “Microsoft Security Essentials”, and has absolutely nothing to do with Microsoft.
This malware is distributed via drive-by-download attacks by the names hotfix.exe or mstsc.exe (md5: 0a2582f71b1aab672ada496074f9ce46). After installing this fake malware it points to another link which is supposed to cure the infection, but this link also leads to a fake malware.
So, beware of this fake Microsoft Security Essentials tool which will try to scare you into purchasing a product you don’t need. Don’t fall for it. I can’t wait to see how long it takes for Microsoft to track down and sue those behind this rogueware.

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